bertatih menuju ilahi...jommm!

bertatih menuju ilahi...jommm!

Isnin, 25 Jun 2012

Doktor Pakar Bahagian II

Assalamualaikum wbt..
 Di harap anda semua sihat walafiat dan sentiasa di bawah redha Allah. InsyaAllah.
Entry kali ni adalah entry sambungan daripada Doktor Pakar Bahagian I yg Alhamdulillah (^^.) mendapat feedback baik dari shbt2 sume. Syukur sesangat. So jejari ni akan teruskan usaha membuat entry sekuel kpd bahagian satu n today im gonna discuss ONLY ONE SPECIALTY which taken by the doc to pursue their carrier after they finish their MD/MBBS/MBBCh degree which is Internal Medicine.
Mybe semua orang pelik. Nape hari ni saya just talk bout one particular field je? Kalau nak tahu nape saya just choose satu specialty je hari ni…kena la usha entry ni sampai abis ok?
So now we going to explore about INTERNAL MEDICINE as deep as possible.. OK?
So guys…what is internal medicine?
Internal medicine is similar to family medicine in which the physician give primary care and basic healthcare management of all areas of a patient's health.
Usually in medical school yg buat traditional study, kami akan study Internal Medicine ni during our third year. Memang subjek ni payah amat2..( ni komen senior2 sy snirik pon x amik agi Internal Med ni).. But what make them differ is the fact that in internal medicine ni kita xkan study pasal Pediatrics ( pengkhususan perubatan kanak- kanak) and Obstetric. Internal medicine akan memfokuskan lebih kepada cara- cara rawatan kat hospital (warded patient) and cmne nak give acute care for patient. Means that doctor2 yg salu jage patient kat dalam ward are mostly internal medicine doctors.
Tapi ape je yg masyuk tentang Internal Medicine ni????
Kat internal medicine ni..ade banyak sgt2 sub-specialties. Areas yg di cover dalam internal medicine ni banyak tau. So datz why la saya just cover this speciality je today. Basically what make this entry long today is because I’m gonna write about internal medicine punye sub- specialties. After a med doc dh amik specialty, dia kena sambung ag skali ntuk buat sub- specialty ni. So here ade beberapa area yg sy akan kongsikan bersama anda sumua. Sorry as I can’t talk bout ALL of them, but I will try my best to focus on these three most popular sub- specialties.
  • Nephrology
Pakar buah pinggang ( Nephrologist) is a person in charge in treatment of kidney conditions and it’s abnormalities. So, tugas utama seorang nephrologists adalah to diagnose the actual etiology (causes) of disease. Antara tugas2 lain seorang nephrologists termasuklah penentuan treatment and medication yg perlu diambil oleh seseorang patient (prescribe appropriate treatment such as medication, diet changes, or dialysis). Bila nephrologists ni dah buat keje dia and the patient still do not respond to the treatment, transplant (pemindahan organ) akan dilakukan oleh surgeon which specifically known as transplant surgeon. Example of disease yg selalu kita kaitkan dengan buah pinggang is the renal failure ( kegagalan buah pinggang untuk berfungsi dengan baik). So hope u learn well what is nephrologists ok?
  • Cardiology
Cardiology merupakan bidang pengajian yg fokusnya is towards diagnosis and treatment of diseases, conditions, or defects of the heart and circulatory system. Maksudnya, doc ni akan blaja mostly pasal jantung dan peredaran darah kita. If a person is about to work oversea, cardiology is a promising field that you can take. Nape??? Because USA for example really2 need Cardiologist ( pakar jantung) in a huge amount. This is because one of the most potent killers penduduk2 USA adalah heart disease. Hehe..( $.$)
Cardiologist ni akan bagi consult tentang medical cases related to CVS (cardiovascular problem) and they are those who specialized in diagnosing CVS congenital anomalies(abnormalities yg occur sejak bayi itu dilahirkan). Bila saya bercakap tentang cardiology je, mesti ade orang akan tnya..Asada Ryutaro dalam Team Medical Dragon tuh cardiologist ke??
Kalau doc yg buat surgery macam Asada ni..mereka dinamakan sebagai Surgeon. Kalau nak jadik macam Asada Ryutaro tuh, anda kena amik specialist bidang surgery ok, bukan internal medicine. Bila anda dh amik specialist in surgery, anda akan ade sub- specialty and one of them is cardiothoracic surgeon (CTS). Kalau CTS ni they will perform open heart surgery, heart bypass surgeries and other cardiovascular surgeries. Ni lah baru bidang Asada Ryutaro ok? So tamao kompius2 dah pasni. (^^.). So this is all about cardiologist!
  • Oncology
Oncology merupakan satu bidang yg focus on pengajian tentang cancer dan cara rawatannya. Kalau sesape yg rajin tonton cite House MD.. mesti kenal ngan Dr. Wilson kan? He is one of the example of an oncologist ( pakar kanser). Kerja dia lebih kepada diagnosis of cancer and treating them. Oncologist gak perform some hematology practice (which is the treatment of cancers, malignancies and abnormalities yg occur dalam darah kita). Oncologists lah yg akan bertanggung jawab ntuk prescribe treatment untuk cancer patient (medication, radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, or palliative care). FYI, hematology is the study of blood. So kalau ade yg berminat nak buat oncologist ni, semoga anda berjaya (^__^).
Ni merupakan tiga bidang sub- specialties of internal medicine yg menjadi kegilaan ramai newbiez . Antara bidang2 lain yg also listed are:
  • Endocrinology: Bidang yg memfokuskan kearah diagnosis & treatment of disease related to endocrine disorder.
  • Geriatric medicine: Study of diagnosis & treatment of disease related to warga emas.
  • Infectious disease: Bidang yg memfokuskan kearah diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious disease ( penyakit berjangkit) example is Influenza andHPV infection.
  • Pulmonary disease: Bidang which focus on diagnosis and treatment of any problem related to the respiratory system.
  • Rheumatology: Field of study of diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases affecting joints, muscles, and bones.
So setakat ni jelah dulu second post pasal specialist ni. I will continue my post in da future with 14 more specialties left for me to discuss. Semoga ilmu yg baik ni sama- sama la kita sebar2kan..cuz disebutkan dalam sebuah hadis yg berbunyi:
Apabila seorang anak Adam meninggal maka terputuslah amalnya kecuali kerana tiga perkara;
  1. Sedekah jariyah,
  2. Ilmu yang bermanfaat
  3. Anak soleh yang mendoakannya
–HR Muslim
Wallahu subhaanahu wataala a’lam.

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