bertatih menuju ilahi...jommm!

bertatih menuju ilahi...jommm!

Khamis, 19 Julai 2012

Ramadhan Versi Saya

Salam ziarah buat semua readers… semoga rahmat Allah bersama kita semua.
Andai sampai Ramadhan ni pada sy kali ni, tahun ni merupakan tahun ke 22 sy menyambut Ramadhan. Sy yakin setiap orang ada versi Ramadhan mereka sendiri. Entry hari ni sy nak share tentang versi Ramadhan sy. Semoga kita mendapat manfaat bersama.
Sy mula berpuasa sewaktu umur 6 tahun. Time tu puasa bukan takutkan berdosa ke ape, tapi sebab kena paksa dengan ummi. Kali pertama bangun sahur memang semangat, tapi bila sampai pukul 9 pagi mula masuk dapur cari makanan. Haha… naïf sungguh time tu. Bila masa bersahur macam2 sy makan, tapi x tahu la nape dugaan sungguh bila tengok adik2 yg x puasa makan… rasa nk berbuka time tu jugak. Dugaan anak sulong la katekan.
Apa yg menghairankan, orang skang ni bukan setakat x puasa, tapi bleh plak order makan kat kedai time bulan pose. Adehhh… sakit2. Malu pada Allah sah2 la dh xde sebab dia x pose… at least malu la skit ngn bebudak kecik yg bau start nk pose. Respect la depa ni sket. Pastuh kalu kena angkut ngan van jenazah oleh jabatan agama Islam mula la cakap ayat drama:
“Enchik… sy x bersalah enchik!!”
Padahal dah nyata suun kat pipi… hahaha.
Ni ok la lagi… ade yg lagi dasat; mengaku diri tuh bukan orang Islam. Subhanallah…
Hal di atas ni merupakan salah satu fenomena biasa di negara kita lately. Kalo dulu susah nk tengok golongan2 cmni, tapi la ni bersepah.
Habis satu cerita…
Ok2 balik pada cerita sy tadi.
Bila masa nk berbuka puasa plak, ummi ngn abah sy akan bawak kami adik beradik pergi bazaar Ramadhan kat area2 wakaf che yeh tu. So memang heaven la ngan segala jenis makanan. Sebut je nak ape… sume ade. My favorite is nasik kerabu. Makan tiap2 hari selama 30 hari during bulan posa tu pon xpa. Haha…
Bila orang tanya kita tentang Ramadhan, jawapan kita:
“ Bulan penyucian hati dan jasmani”
Kalau disebutkan tentang hal penyucian jiwa sy rasa kita semua dah sedia maklum tentang isu tazkiah nafs yg sy sentuh dlm post seblum ini. Bagaimana pulak dengan penjagaan jasmani?
Kalau bulan puasa ni, ramai orang ske kurangkan kerja physical sebab nk jaga energy. Asik tidow je manjang. Kalo x pon lepak je kat umah. Pukul 6 petang kua cari makan kat bazaar.
Kalau boleh Ramadhan tahun ni, kita sama2 perbaiki kekurangan kita di Ramadhan2 terdahulu. Kurangkan tidow… banyakkan aktiviti sihat..berkebun ke…senaman2 ringan ke. Time membeli belah kat bazaar plak jangan nafsu merajai perut. Pantang tengok….sume benda nak beli. Kalo beli banyak2 ntuk di sedekahkan xpe…syukur alhamdulillah…
Tapi kalau setakat untuk diri sendiri yg nak makan bersederhana tu lebih baik kan?

Bila sebut plak tentang puasa mesti kita akan terfikirkan betapa bestnye solat terawih. Kat sini kita boleh lihat betapa istimewanya Ramadhan ni bila teraweh ni Allah letak hanya pada bulan Ramadhan sahaja.
Fenomena di sesetengah tempat di negara kita…
10 malam pertama: Jemaah 50 orang
10 malam pertengahan: Jemaah 25 orang
10 malam terakhir: Jemaah 10 orang
Jemaah makin sikit. Bila di tanya kenapa, jawapannya:
“Sibuk la banyak lagi persiapan raya x buat… baju anak2 xbeli lagi…xsiap jahit lagi…langsir x gantung lagi. Haaaa….kueh2! Kueh pon x buat lagi ni…adehh stress! “
Persiapan raya ni xsalah pon bahkan perlu sebab kita menantikan kedatangan hari kemenangan ummat Islam selepas sebulan mengharungi dugaan bulan puasa. Sy pon seronok nak sambut raya! (^__^) Tapi jangalah sampai kita terlupa tentang satu lagi keistimewaan Ramadhan; Lailatul Qadr. Kalau boleh Ramadhan tahun ni kita bahagikan masa dengan sebaiknya supaya persiapan raya nnt sempat di setelkn sebelum datangnya 10 malam terakhir. Amacam???
Let us perbaiki diri di bulan Ramadhan ini supaya Ramadhan kita lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Ramadhan merupakan platform penyucian diri yg Allah hadiahkan kepada kita dalam proses kembali kepada fitrah…kalau la ini Ramadhan terakhir kita, moga2 ia menjadi Ramadhan terbaik selama kita hidup ini. InsyaAllah
Marhaban ya Ramadhan

Jumaat, 6 Julai 2012

Childhood Dream

I remember the day when i decided to become a doctor someday.that was when i was young. Hurmm..let me think.When i was 13 if i’m not mistaken. Then i remember the day when i decided to futher my studies abroad and so forth. I remember thing that i’ve wrote on piece of paper and stick it on my board in front of my study table.The point is motivate myself every time laziness strikes.

I remember when i was in form 3,Tuan Haji asked me about my ambition.said i want to be a doctor someday. Asked me again have you done any researches and finding on the career you’ve chosen.I sacrifice a lot. As a woman,i have think optimistically for the sake of my future too.someday there will be bigger task await me.tasks that has something to deal with between you and human,as well as you and Ar-Rahman.

“what you do,the way you think,makes you beautiful”-scoot westerfeld

A girl with Big dreams

There are many things inspired me lately.There comes a time where feel like almost giving up. I admit that. Although i haven’t really achieve what i want,i’m still proud of my self that i can stand in here for this long. Instead of giving up, i more forward and chose to proceed without looking back. I‘ve almost forgotten that i can have a dream to achieve. A dream which i’ve built in my heart and mind since i was little.A dream which i am really that eager to achieve.The only thing that i lack of is effort.Well,that is what as far as i can see. Sometime we don’t always get what we want. And sometime we will get what we want but it’s just a matter of time.
 I believe that Allah has a better plan for us.As i go through each day of my life. I began to realize why there are always obstacle in everything that i’ve planned in order to achieve my dream. Trust me ,if you ever go through this kind of situation,you ‘ll realize sooner or later that life is wonderful. I’m grateful and Thankful to Allah that i have both of my parent,My two wonderful sibling and best friend to support me.. Well..not of the people which i’ve known are supportive. Sometime it hurt to hear responses from others.But in the end,It is all yours .Your own decision. Determination,effort and yeahhh,passion.

Khamis, 5 Julai 2012

Forgiveness & Fairytale


In the name of Allah,the most Beneficent,the most merciful

Learn to forgive,forgive everything from the past and forgive anyone from your past because in this world,nobody is perfect”

Learn to forgive.Forgive everything from the past and forgive anyone from your past.Because in this world ,nobody is perfect.We all make mistake .And it is always good and noble to forgive someone in your life.In love, teach your heart to always forgive the one you doesn’t matter how bad or how much it hurt before ,learn to forgive them.The best thing about forgiving someone is you are pleasing Allah Taala.

When you stop searching for a prince and make Allah taala the king of your heart,He will help you to complete you fairytale.inshaAllah...

Remember,Allah always has a better plan for each and one of us.InshaAllah,i can’t tell you how thankfull i am to allah that because of Him,i’ve learnt to see and improve my mistake from the past. I’ve done so many mistake.Now,all i want to do is to change myself to become a better person.InshaAllah.I believe in Allah.I believe that He has written special for me. Special that it takes a lot of patient and prayer. All i want to do now is to prepare myself for that special person.A special person whom i’ll be spending the rest of my life with through thick and thin,and most important thing-the one who will lead me towards Allah,who will become the imam of my prayers,the father of my children,the one who will always hold my hand ang together helping each other to attain jannah.InshaAllah. To me.It's not just about-love.- It's more than that. It’s about responsibility and commitment.It’s about the beginning of the journey together towards forever in jannah.And most of all. i want it to be special,to experience it according to what Allah has Already planned for me

I will always be waiting for that day to come
Dear heart,have faith in Allah...

Hati Lily...