Assalamualaikum semua pembaca..semoga keadaan sy dan anda lebih baek dari hari yg sebelumnya, InsyaAllah.
Dah lama la jugak x update post kat blog ni cuz im so busy dgn final yg bru shaja hbis.>__<. So sorry to all readers (T.T). So today sy nk kongsi sedikit ilmu dgn kwn2 semua tentang penyakit yg feymes among kita2 sejak dari dulu sampai la ni.
Pernah dengar tentang appendix?
Sebenarnya kat sini sy nak betulkan sedikit kesilapan tentang name of this disease.
Appendix adalah one of the structure that make up our gastrointestinal system a.k.a sistem penghadaman. Appendix terletak kat usus besar kita. Anda boleh lihat kat figure di bawah ni. Nampak x yg macam cacing tuh??? Haaa...beliau la appendix!
Keradangan or inflammation of appendix is known as appendicitis. Yg owg duk kata appendix2 tuh bukan penyakit tau… appendix adalah struktur yg terlibat dlm penyakit ni. Manakala the problem itself is appendicitis. Harap penjelasan sy td telah berjaya mensolvekan kekeliruan between appendix and appendicitis ni,
Appendicitis happen when our appendix becomes inflamed. Appendicitis boleh terjadi sekiranya appendix kita tadi di block oleh substances such as feces or any foreign body yg kita makan. Dalam beberapa case, tumor also can cause appendix’s blockage which eventually lead to appendicitis.
Antara symptom of appendicitis:
- Sakit pada bahagian pusat. Kenapa plak pusat kan?? In medicine there is a term known as referred pain which is defined as pain felt at a site other than where the cause is situated. In this case, the pain maybe vague and become more sharp and pastu may become so severe.
- Lama kelamaan sakit tadi akan berpindah ke right lower abdomen and sharply pointed to the McBurney’s point. McBurney’s point merujuk kepada base of appendix dan dlm bahasa mudahnya point ini merupakan tempat di mana appendix berada dlm badan manusia.
- Patient akan mengadu sakit yg amat sangat ketika berjalan atau batuk. Mereka akan lebih selesa untuk duduk kerana sebarang minute movement may cause excruciating pain. Patient akan mengadu sakit mereka bertambah stiap kali makan or mengambil antacid.
- Other symptom such as low grade fever, chill, nausea and vomiting may also accompany patient diagnosed with appendicitis.

Salunya bila patient jumpe ngan doc, mereka akan mengadu sakit perut. Tapi xsemua sakit perut merujuk kepada appendicitis…cuz the site of the pain which is right lower abdomen may also refer to some other problem such as ectopic pregnancy (mengandung luar rahim) or urinary tract infection ( jangkitan kuman pada salur kencing).
Diagnostic procedure done in order to confirm the early diagnosis are:
- Blood sample of the patient to check for white blood cell count. Bilangan sel darah putih yg tinggi may indicates an infection.
- During physical examination of appendicitis, doc akan palpate lower right belly area of the patient. So if patient have appendicitis, the pain will increase when the doctor suddenly releases the pressure after gently pressing on the lower right belly area of the patient tadi. This fenomena is known as rebound tenderness.
- Kalo xdpt conformation gak..doc akan go for rectal exam.
- Other additional test including abdominal CT, ultrasound and diagnostic laparoscopy.
Bila doc dah confirm that his patient is having appendicitis, so the doc will soon remove the appendix by surgey. Surgical procedure of removal of appendix is known as appendectomy.

Ni lah ghupe appendix yg inflamed...merahnye mak ngah!
Surgery ni perlu di lakukan seberapa segera coz bila appendix ni rupture dlm perut kita…ia akan mengundang masalah yg lebih serius; a ruptured appendix contain a lot of bacteria which may cause inflammation and infection to our abdominal cavity. This condition is called peritonitis.
Bila peritonitis ni dh berlaku, doc akan rawat peritonitis ni dlu…then bila patient dah sembuh barulah appendectomy is done. Kalau patient only having appendicitis and he undergo surgery, luka surgery tuh akan sembuh dengan cepat. Tapi, bila appendix yg inflamed tadi dh rupture so recovery of the surgery will be slower.
So pada readers yg kami kasihi semua jagalah pemakanan anda sebaik mungkin. Banyakkan makan sayuran dan buah bagi melancarkan sistem penghadaman anda. Bagi anda- anda yg ade simptom-simptom diatas, sy sarankan anda jumpe la doc anda secepat mungkin.
Kata pepatah arab; Mencegah lebih baik dari megubati.
Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca entry ini. Jumpe ag di lain entry…ilal liqa wa maas salaamah.
P/S: Sy pon dh xde appendix so sayangi appendix anda setiap hari! (^__^)
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